When the Screaming Starts
When the Screaming Starts
United Kingdom, 2021, 89 min
Filme / Comedy / Horror
Director:Conor Boru
Stars:Ed Hartland, Jared Rogers, Kaitlin Reynell, Octavia Gilmore, Kavé Niku, Ronja Haugholt, Vår Haugholt, Yasen Atour, Katharine Bennett-Fox, Lee Nicholas Harris, Caroline Colomei, Louise Ann Munro, Sibylla Meienberg, Steve Hodgetts, Evelyn Lockley, Stuart Vincent, John-Christian Bateman, Siu-see Hung, Aileen Gonsalves, Karl Sedgwick, Patrick Marley, Andreina Sambucetti, Bella Farr, Phil Ross, Angela Jane Sayers
Production:Riotous Films
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